Be the Change

Independent Citizens

Unite & Inform


“Be the Change”, is an initiative of a diverse group of independent citizens, having their base on Aegina island, in other parts of Greece and abroad. Our goal is to shine a different light on the Covid-19 “pandemic” by providing relevant information and by offering access to an international supporting network that unites.
Further reading
World Freedom Alliance

World Freedom Alliance

We are representing the World Freedom Alliance in Greece.
You want to join us? Send an email to: We are organizing Zoom meetings for new members to meet and connect.

Contact & keep in touch

No jab for me

Statements on the site “NO jab for me” are substantiated with facts that will stand in a court of law. Informed Consent requires a flow of information. Click on the hyperlinked sections to direct you to primary sources such as CDC, WHO, FDA documents.

Anyone trying to take down that site will be named as codefendant in Nuremberg 2.0 for being an accomplice to crimes against humanity. That includes social media. Lawyers are standing by.

Website in English, German and Spanish


Our press releases

05/04/2021 – Press Release regarding the vaccination (in Greek & English)

Our projects:

  • E.Y.E. – Επιστήμονες για την Υγεία και την Ελευθερία (Scientists for Health and Freedom). Website with quality articles in Greek.
  • E.Y.E  is sending out critical letters to national & local policy makers in Greece.
  • The “Be the Change – unite & inform” web page provides relevant links, video’s & articles in English, next to updates about our activities and the policies of the municipality concerning COVID-19 on Aegina island.
  • We have representatives that join the weekly international activists calls of the World Freedom Alliance.
  • We have members active in “Φωνή ελευθερίας και παγκόσμιας συμμαχίας“: a Greek network consisting of individuals and assemblies from all over Greece. A new movement consisting of people who want their life back. They are rising up to defend their Natural Human and Constitutional Rights. They do NOT believe in political parties, globalism and the New World Order.
  • Be the Change | Keep your Spirit up, spiritual support group that hosts bi-weekly sharing zoom calls in English. An opportunity to connect, be inspired, listen, learn and support each other on a personal level.
  • Organizing gatherings to inform & connect on Aegina.
  • Follow our Telegram Channel with daily news updates in English & Greek.

Be the Change | Keep your Spirit up

A select internationally group of like minded awoken people

Spiritual Support Group

Be the Change | Keep your Spirit up is a select international group of like minded awakened people. We meet through 1.5 hour video calls every other week. You can chose to attend either Wednesday or Thursday evening at 20:00 (GMT +3). Spoken language is English.

It’s a safe environment where you can share your feelings, thoughts, your ups and downs. An opportunity to connect, be inspired, listen, learn and support each other in order to keep our spirits up, keep following our authentic truth and keep seeing the light in these strange times where democracy has faded, our human rights are being violated and the truth is called a conspiracy.

Are you interested to join? Send a message! No costs involved.

Can we trust our feelings and intuition?

The conditioned mind will often create feelings out of fear, and these should not be the guiding force in your life. Eckhart Tolle urges us instead to discover the deeper feelings that arise from Presence — the source of true intuition — and to let that guide your actions.

World Freedom Alliance

The World Freedom Alliance (WFA) aims to facilitate an open platform to promote Freedom in all its forms Worldwide and to unite people around the world, and to provide information and share best practice between countries. They aim to ensure our cherished fundamental Freedoms, as outlined in the WFA Charter, are restored and maintained. Together, we can unite in strength, to promote Freedom, inspire Courage and give Hope in these times!

WFA Freedom Activists

Prominent activists and freedom fighters against corona restrictions report on the situation in their respective countries regarding the lockdown and how to improve the situation. Members of our group are joining these calls weekly.

Doctor says it all in 38 minutes!

Dare to say NO!

Why I don’t consent to “vaccination” against Covid-19

On The Psychology Of The Conspiracy Denier

Why is it that otherwise perfectly intelligent, thoughtful and rationally minded people baulk at the suggestion that sociopaths are conspiring to manipulate and deceive them? And why will they defend this ill-founded position with such vehemence?

Click here to read article

PCR tests Aegina

When you need a PCR test for travelling back to your home country.
Best way to make an appointment is to send an email or pass by his office.
He’s working from Monday to Saturday.

Dr. Loukas Sinos
Pileos 5
18010 Aegina town
Telephone: (+30) 22970 22177
Mobile: (+30) 6945 936 144
Price: €70

Hospital Agios Dionysios
Nosokomeiou 10
18010 Aegina town
Telephone: (+30) 22970 24489
Price: €65

Self tests Aegina

  • Various self tests (swab + spit) available at the local pharmacies.
  • 4 x Swab test free per month with AMKA number.
  • Spit test € 5,65.

To protest or not to protest?

Political prisoners in Denmark

Vaccines or experimental gene therapy?

The future of vaccines

Interview with health freedom lawyer Gregory Glaser

Lawyer Gregory Glaser has filed a court case in California that can change everything around vaccines. He has done a study: the vaccinated against the unvaccinated. A study that has never been done before with amazing results. The video is from 3:50 in English.

Ask The Experts about Covid-19

This video is a compilation of doctors, scientists and activist who are offering their opinions about the Covid-19 Vaccine. 

For the Medic debate by the World Doctors Alliance click here

World Doctors Alliance

An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity.

CLICK HERE to read and join their conversation on Telegram.

Sucharit Bhakdi about Covid-19

Austrian journalist Ferdinand Wegscheider interviews German professor of microbiology and epidemiology Sucharit Bhakdi. They are talking about measures against COVID-19. The interview was broadcasted on the Austrian private channel Servus TV on April 29.

MSHFD website – Medical Professionals and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy

Corona false alarm?

Dr, Sucharit Bhakdi Dr. Karina Reiss

CLICK HERE for the PDF of the book

Asymptomatic Transmission

Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics (PANDA) is a multidisciplinary group seeking to inform policy. PANDA considers explanations that allow us to count the human costs of COVID-19 responses globally. PANDA is a collective of leading scientists, actuaries, economists, data scientists, statisticians, medical professionals, lawyers, engineers and business people working as a collective to replace bad science with good science. PANDA is not aligned with any political entities and is funded by its members, speaking engagements and the public.

visit website PANDA

Covid 19 and Lockdowns: The Ugly Truth | Nick Hudson | Co Founder of PANDA

First published on 26th of March 2021

This Lesson of History CANNOT Be Forgotten

Reading through Olga Lengyel’s Five Chimneys and asking questions.

Planet Lockdown

Catherine Austin Fitts

The economic slavery behind Covid

Planet Lockdown is a high level documentary about the situation we are in today. What ever your perspective or opinions are, this film has a message for you. A Full Length Documentary Coming late January. In the meantime, see the full interviews HERE.

​From mid-west America to Africa to central Europe, Planet Lockdown takes the viewer to meet and hear the expertise and perspectives of individuals. In a time when depression, bankruptcy, loneliness and lies are rampant, we are all in need of a way out of this situation. The theme of Planet Lockdown is how we can all have the internal power to overcome our fears, because the ability to have the strength to be ourselfs and be strong comes from within.

The outcome depends on our ability to spiritually evolve and grow up

What is your plan if that happens?
What is my plan? My plan is to built a human civilization. And again first you bring transparency than you rebuilt the economy bottom up. We are now integrating very powerful technology. That means we have to grow spiritually. You can’t have this kind of advanced technology, you know, managed by cave men. And to a certain extent this is what we’re watching. We’re giving very powerful weaponry and very powerful surveillance technology to people that are using it behaving like cave men.
And a last question: “Is there a spiritual dimension to this”?
I think first and foremost what we’re dealing with is spiritual. You know this is part of a 10.000 year old war and the outcome depends on our ability to spiritually evolve and grow up. So I tell everybody: death is not the worst thing that can happen here. What can happen is that you can lose your moral soul. That is dangerous, stop worrying about death and start about worrying whether you can be free or not.

Τhe ex-mayor of Aegina Mourztis on chemtrails – O ex δήμαρχος Αίγινας για το θέμα των αεροψεκασμών

The Great Reset

Covid-19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab – Download PDF

The Great Reset in 5 minutes

You own nothing and you’ll be happy
Read transcript of video

Agenda 21

Spiro Skouras interviews Rosa Koire, auteur of “Behind the Green Mask: UN agenda 21”.

AstraZeneca Vaccine Amid Blood Clot Reports

Covid-19 AstraZeneca Vaccine

This video shows the packaging of a Covid-19 AstraZeneca Vaccine, and it explains exactly what is in it.
Use for clarity about medical terms on packaging.

Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine, A Trustworthy Vaccine?

Short video made by The Mirror Project. A new platform for all those who believe that we are under attack from a new form of tyranny. It is a place to collect and present evidence, give whistleblowers a voice, organise resistance, and educate others.

Dutch Doctors Covid Collective

The Doctors Covid Collective foundation consists of an ever-growing, active group of Dutch doctors who are concerned about the current policy around Corona.

The Problem With the COVID Vaccine

Theo Von talks with Robert F Kennedy junior. On his website you can find lots of information about children’s vaccines.

Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. – Robert F. Kennedy


Freelance journalist and representative of the Children’s Health Defense in Europe

I’m Senta Depuydt. I’m a freelance journalist and I represent Children’s Health Defense in Europe with Robert F. Kennedy junior.

We want to alert you to the fact that the current COVID vaccines are an experimental product based on the injection of genetic materials into our cells. And the risk of using these new technologies on humans and the environment are unknown, while they could have irreversible consequences. In April the Pandemic Accelerator Act of the European Union allowed vaccine producers to have a free pass for safety and on July 15 the European Parliament agreed to remove the need of risk evaluation requested under the GMO regulation. That decision was made in ten days. There were no scientific reports, no hearings in health commission, no debate and no amendment prior to this vote. So Children’s Health Defense Europe has asked for the annulment of this decision in the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.

Please share this information as it is extremely important to understand that the current COVID vaccines are not proven safe. All legislators have abandoned the principle of precaution by putting blind faith in a dangerous experiment.


Reiner Fuellmich on Viruswaarheid Live Extra

Interview from 05/03/2021

Update about the court cases in Germany, The Netherlands, The Nuernberg trial etc.

PCR tests

German Corona Investigative Committee

The German Corona Investigative Committee has taken testimonies from a large number of international scientists and experts since July 10, 2020. Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, one of the Committee members, has published his testimony on video.

Corsten-Drosten review report

Click here to read Corman-Drosten Review Report. A report curated by an international consortium of scientists in life sciences (ICLS). It’s a request of the retraction of the “Corman-Drosten paper”. Because of this paper, the whole testing circus begun.

A peer review from a group of 22 international experts has found 10 “major flaws” in the main protocol for such tests. This review report systematically dismantles the original study, which described a protocol for applying the PCR technique to detecting Covid.
If we eventually stop this ridiculous testing, the “pandemic” is over. Then we will eventually stop talking about “infected” people or ,”corona-hotspots”.

The original report was published by “Eurosurveillance” on 23 January 2020. It describes a RT-PCR method to detect the novel Corona virus (also known as SARS-CoV2).

What can you do to prevent getting COVID-19?

Dr. Paul Marik, a founding member of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, takes you through all of the steps you can take to limit your chances getting COVID-19. At the heart of it is the FLCCC Alliance’s I-MASK+ Prevention & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol. Its components include Ivermectin, which has been shown in study after study to prevent COVID-19, and to keep patients who become symptomatic from progressing into more serious COVID-19 illness.

Covid 19 treatment & prevention

Doctor in Texas tells about her treatment and prevention for Covid-19: Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin and Zinc

FLCCC Alliance

Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance | Prevention & Treatment Protocols for COVID-19

FLCCC Alliance, is a working group devoted to creating a treatment protocol against COVID-19 in early March 2020. The protocol they devised, called MATH+, is intended for use in hospitalized patients, with an emphasis on early initiation—as soon as a patient develops the need for supplemental oxygen. Dr. Pierre Kory is the FLCCC President & Chief Medical Officer.

The FLCCC Alliance is not opposed to vaccination, and furthermore supports policies such as mask wearing, social distancing, and hand hygiene to prevent the further spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Our treatment proposals are designed, first of all, to mitigate the effects of the pandemic until it is overcome, and to allow for an earlier return to daily life.


Five questions to wake your world

Watch here the video where Del Bigtree is getting into these questions starting at 1.56.24
Read here the transcript

  1. If social distancing works, why do we have to wear masks?
  2. If masks work, why do we have to lock down?”
  3. If lockdowns work, why is virus on the rise?”
  4. If the vaccine works, why do I have to still wear a mask?
  5. If the vaccine is safe, why are manufacturers protected from liability?

Covid-19 The System

full movie

Dutch documentary with English sub-titles.

COVID-19! The whole world is in Lock Down. There is panic in society. What is going on here?

After the Prime Minister’s speech about the highly contagious “Corona” virus, Nico Sloot, an international entrepreneur, joined forces with scientists, doctors and experts to find answers to the questions surrounding the corona virus. How dangerous is this virus? What does our future look like? Are the current measures in proportion to the risks of the virus? And what impact does this have on our society?

During Nico’s quest he makes shocking findings….

Is this actually about our public health?


The obsession of government, big tech, big Pharma, and the mainstream media with vaccines.

The Mirror Project

How do mRNA “vaccins” work?

It is Extremely Dangerous Experimental Genetic Engineering.
Dr. Wakefield

Vaccines & the effect of aluminum nanoparticles

Testimonial speech Larry Palevsky MD pediatrician

Charge to the International Criminal Court for corona shock measures

Call for testimonies
The human rights defender (according to UN resolution 53/144) Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing is preparing a charge under criminal law to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Haague for the application of the shock doctrine under the pretext of corona. The charge will deal with measures, which have reached the gravity of a crime against humanity (art. 7 Roman Statute).

Click here for more information

Bill Gates: Deleted Documentary | Why He Switched From Microsoft to Vaccines

Narrator/interviewer: Mikki Willis, producer of Plandemic — Indoctornation.

Fraudulent patents from 1999. Tax fraud, Fauci & Gates

London Real with David Martin. Watch the whole episode here.


Stop 5G Aegina – 06/06/2020


A sequel to the documentary video “Enouranois” on the global aerosol spraying “chemtrails”. It examines the trajectory of the resistance to chemtrails from the first public meeting in Aegina, Greece in 2003 through the Belfort Group’s 2010 symposium in Ghent to today’s expanding network.

Τhe ex-mayor of Aegina Mourztis on chemtrails – O ex δήμαρχος Αίγινας για το θέμα των αεροψεκασμών

Monetary reform

A better monetary system for Iceland – PDF
A report by Frosti Sigurjonsson, commissioned by the prime minister of Iceland

CEO Resignations

Uncensored platforms (video) (video) (video) (browser)
Telegram (messenger app)
Signal (messenger app)
MeWe (social media)

Secure email

Activities on Aegina


On the 11th of March we gathered in Aegina town to reflect on the fact that exactly one year ago we entered the madness of the so called Covid-19 pandemic.


Be the Change

“Be the Change”, is an initiative of a diverse group of independent citizens, having their base on Aegina island, in other parts of Greece and abroad. Our goal is to shine a different light on the Covid-19 “pandemic” by providing relevant information and by offering access to an international supporting network that unites.

Enough is enough

After months of observing the ongoing worldwide governmental fear mongering, the manipulation of news, the extreme censoring on social media, the enforcement of severe fines and rules, the outrageous control, the violation of our privacy, the suppression and division of people, demolition of small businesses and the constant push towards an experimental vaccine solution, we felt it was the highest time to stand up for the protection of our basic human rights.

The Wake up

Luckily, there is an ever-growing group of concerned citizens that is waking up. People who realize that the reality we’re living in has nothing to do with the protection of our health. Finally, people start understanding that most we’re being told does not make any sense.

What can I do ?!?!

We completely understand your feeling of despair and emotions of powerlessness. As humans we’re ONLY able to change OURSELVES. Our individual thoughts, feelings and actions have a ripple effect on our environment and the community we’re living in. You ARE able to get yourself out of the state of fear by education, sharing your state of mind,  by energizing yourself with like-minded souls and by connecting to your own intuition. Be the Change you want to see in this world!

Inform yourself

You can start by educating yourself. Learn what doctors and scientists from all over the world are stating about the COVID-19 virus. Is this virus really so deadly as we’re being told? Learn about the sabotage of important research. Find out about the accuracy of the PCR-tests, the basis of the fear mongering. Be informed about the safety and the unknown long term effects of the new vaccines. Are you’re willing to become a Guinea pig? And what about the treatments available? The governments from all over the world have tried very hard to withhold you from this important information. Why? What are they afraid of? What about: our Freedom of Speech, our Freedom of Assembly, our Freedom of Thought and our Freedom of Bodily Integrity?


We have created this web page with easy access to studies, documentaries, videos and reports created by people and organization that have been censored by the Mass & Social media to avoid any discussion. Share this message of light and hope with your friends and Be the Change!


We all know that we are many, but we’re not united YET!
Together we are stronger, smarter, more creative and effective.
Let’s unite!


Join our movement of hope, by subscribing to our newsletter. Get in contact to share your ideas, your input for our page etc.


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    All content on this page is for informational purposes only.

    “The whole secret of existence is to have no fear.”  – Buddha

    © 2021 Be the Change